Monday, May 5, 2008

Place Title Here

Mechanic and Chip singing a duet at the Dirty Drummer Friday night Saturday night Meg, Erin and I went up to the Foundry in N. Phoenix for an art/motorcycle event. These guys have a pretty nice set up. I love how they have the Palm trees carved.

Some of the bikes, but not very cool bikes. I was missing Nick's cool green bike tho!Mr DJ Horsepussy.
Somebody made this rad kaleidoscope. When you looked thru the eye hole you'd see whats in the two pics below.

Some of Lalo's art in the background.

Looking down from the upper level.

Sunday I decided to shorten and bleach out this Saguaro skirt I found at the thriftstore a few months ago. Atilla always wants to be there to see what's going on. Usually, if I get up and walk away Atilla will be laying RIGHT on top of whatever it is I am working on.

This is after I shorted it. You can't really tell the difference in the photos huh? Now it falls to just about my knee instead of to my ankles.

This is what I cut today. Right before work I decided this dress was too long so I pulled it off in my living room and cut about 11" off the bottom. I tend to do this to a lot of vintage dresses.

There are these wild cats that live in my neighborhood and they seem to LOVE my duplex. It's driving me INSANE because for a while, this one cat was living under our duplex and meowing this horrible meow all night long keeping my neighbor and me awake. Now these other cats show up and they hangout outside my front door and screeeeech like a wild banshee. It's scary. I don't know how to get rid of them?? It's so annoying...

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