Friday, December 31, 2010
Best Yet.
Mayara Rubik Marchi by Renam Christofoletti via FashionGoneRogue.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Band of Horses "Dilly" Music Video from Adam Richards Via these cool cats El Solitario MC
Did I mention I'm in love with the shirtless dude in this video? Bell bottoms and all..
Few More..
A blurry snapshot of us. L to R- Tricky, Virginia, Beth and Me, or is it I?
Vivienne Westwood! Rad,
Shoes by Rei Kawakubo for Comme des Garcon S/S 2000
Nancy Grossman-I overhead a lady say this was carved out of an electric pole and then wrapped in leather.
Philip C Curtis.
"Philip Campbell Curtis (May 26, 1907 – November 12, 2000) was an American painter best remembered for his surrealist-inspired style scenes often featuring figures in Victorian dress. He was also the founding director of the Phoenix Art Center, which became the Phoenix Art Museum. He was called a "Magical Realist," and "Magritte of the Old West" by some writers.
Curtis was born in Jackson, Michigan and received a B.A. from Albion College and enrolled in the art program at Yale in 1932. In 1947, he moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, where he converted a stable into a home and studio. He died in Scottsdale in 2000." Via Wikipedia.
New Years.

If I was to go out on New Years Eve I'd want to wear the above outfit. No hot dates here tho. I def hope the new year will be better than the last- It was kinda rough- My dog Atilla passed, my Chihuahua was bit by a rattlesnake a month later (she survived!!), Paychecks started bouncing, Hail damage to my car, shitty living situation, got ripped off on a $1,200 car deal by a friend of over 20 years when dumb me handed him over cash for a 4 Runner and didn't get the title and thus he kept my money and the 4 Runner (FUCK YOU MONE!) - I could go on or I could think positive and say I learned some valuable lessons and that it could have been waaaaaaaaaaay worse. I'm still healthy, I can still see, walk, hear and have a roof over my head. Thank GOD! But 2011 PLEASE be better.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I Know, I Know

I know I have already posted about this sweater but I just can't stop lusting after it. I wish it was at least $300 cheaper *sigh* you can find the bottom one at either Anthropologie or here
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
My Holiday
We made finger puppets.
This is what I'd wake up to! A bed full of lil ones that wanted to play.. oh, and Chi Chi! My hair looks so funny. I'm one of those people that wakes up with Einstein hair. Jaz has the cutest kids EVER! I was offered the job as their Nanny but my only prob is Ruby-my Boxer. Not so sure she's good with babies so I wouldn't be able to live in the guest house. I looked at places to rent in the Culver City/Venice area and SHIT, I don't know how ANYBODY is able to survive in California. Bummed me out that it's SOOOOOOO pricey.
This is the super nice cheese basket Jaz made for BK for X-mas. Some of that cheese was SOOOOO STINKY!!!
We made Xmas dinner. Here's Jaz with the Roast that we totally undercooked. I also made candied yams and spinach and we had delicious Sprinkles cupcakes for dessert.
This is the cute lil one they adopted from Ghana. She's so sooo smart!
OH, BEWARE if you are coming to Phoenix or going to Cali-the I-10 is down to ONE lane in both directions about 55 miles out of town-major traffic delays. I'd say it'd be smart to go super early or super late. Hope you all had a nice holiday! For some reason my camera totally sucked this trip and most of my pics are blurry or the flash wouldn't go off. Grrrrrr