Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More Chicago pics

More old Elgin houses

Ok, so far the COOLEST house yet!

This house was HUGE

YUCK, found this spider outside of Shanes house.. EEEEEEEEK

It was wrapping its catch up

in for the KILL

George and me at my sisters house

My sister Cheryl and Davids cute basset hound puppy

so darn cute. My sister has 3 rott's so they were kinding of scaring the lil thing-look tho, sammy's giving her a kiss!

Wert, Shane, Me and David

My other brother BJ and his son Christian so cute, he's like a lil old man and has the blackest eyes I have EVER seen. so black you can hardly see the pupils

Red hair!

We tired the lil guy out...

My sister Cheryl and my nephew Justin.

This was the first Scorpion we came across at the new house... YIKES! We killed it tho.. nee ner nee ner!

Then while cleaning today we found this HUGE dead spider and another dead scorp EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! It's WAR!

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