Monday, October 27, 2008


My best friend Jazmine is in the process of adopting a baby and she just started a blog to document it all ;o)

Do you guys think comments are weird? I leave a lot of comments and I like to get comments. I am a receptionist for a Printing Company and so I get quite bored at times sitting in front of this computer. We just made it out of bankruptcy so YAY!!! My boss has gone thru a lot of troubles these past few years and it really sucks. He's been THE best boss I have ever worked for. Jim and kelley are so giving and they love when I bring the dogs to work. They have 8 dogs at home and two 10,000 dollar dog houses that have air conditioning, flat screen tv's and beds..crazy huh?! He bought me my first motorcycle helmet and helped me buy my old mini cooper (it sucked tho, trans and clutch went out at 52,000 miles and cost $4,000 to fix, mind you it was a 2004!)


Mandy said...

So your job is steady for the foreseeable future? Yay for that. And I don't think comments are weird, I like getting them too.

jazmine said...

why would people think comments are weird? as long as they are not mean comments right?

Fashion Serial Killer said...

I don't know why they would think comments are weird. A friend told me that he thought comments were weird? Boys, so silly!

jazmine said...

he be trippin!

jessie frances said...

love your comments!