Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday Fun Day

so mad it was closed!!! I need a new Skull Valley T-shirt

My dream house.

we were supposed to be going to the Merkin Winery-We went the wrong way, an hour and a half WRONG WAY-oops.

so we ended up at this old Brothel/Bar/Restaurant. It's the COOLEST bar ever. For sale for 4 million -10 acres. You can rent a room for $25-it sleeps about 10 maybe? They also have a room that is decorated the same way it was back when it was a brothel, this one will cost ya a little bit more.

"KIRKLAND, 4 m. (4,000 alt., 50 pop.), a small trading center in a cattle and mining area. Its general merchandise store, garage, and service station are built with the false fronts typical of small western settlements. William H. Kirkland, for whom the town was named, arrived in Arizona in 1856 and was married in Tucson in May 1860. This is described as the first marriage in Arizona of a pioneer white couple. Kirkland was one of the earliest stage stations and according to an old record the meals served "for those times and circumstances were epicurean feasts." On this road is SKULL VALLEY, 11 m. (4,112 alt, 75 pop.), a settlement serving a ranching and mining district. In 1864 soldiers under Lieutenant Mon- teith fought a party of Mojave and Tonto Apache here and left without burying the Indian dead. Many bones and skulls were found bleaching along the valley by emigrants traversing the route. Later Major Willis sent a scouting party ta bury the bones and skulls "lying round everywhere," and named the site Skull Valley. "

I like this old sink.


do you see the face in the wood?

one of the owners-so cute

this is the hallway of rooms you can rent.

this is the room that's decorated exactly like it was in the old days. I think it's $50 to rent a night? I forget.

the sole of my boots fell off! the rubber bands worked for a few hours

Vargas and Paulie

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