Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Conviviality-DC Ranch 2008

Sonia, I snagged some of your pics from the party.. thanks ;o)
Meg going in for the prize
pretty janet!

Whiskey getting down!

I haven't seen my old roommate Trey for like 7 years! I'm glad he stopped by

it's not a party without Max and Shannon

or Meg and Wez.. totally love them.

Kim and Josh

Josh, Janet and Ania-so great

Kelly and Ania

Kelly, Sonia


best girls ever...

Jeff getting down

I haven't seen my soul sista Hillary in ages

a wild dance party-amazingly nothing broke, except somebody fell over on my favorite plant outside and broke the planter and 30% of the plant

Tony in space

the day after.....

our house is in there somewhere

we walked down to feed our neighbors horse some carrots

thanks for the awesome bookshelf Jazmine. I love it SO SO SO MUCH!

Thanks for the awesome bug gifts Ryan!! I love them so much also! I got the Yerba Mate cup in Argentina years ago.. still haven't used it tho.


My Life said...

It looks like you had a good time, I love the dress you are wearing.

jessie frances said...

looks like sooo much fun!