Thursday, January 15, 2009

Late Again

My cell phone has been serving as my alarm clock since my other one's not working. Last night, since my phone was low on batteries, it decided to turn itself off. I woke up and knew by the daylight that I was going to be late. I turned my phone back on, looked at the time of 7:58 and said "OH SHIT!" I got dressed, gave Ruby her meds and left. I made it to work by 8:18-no kidding.. I work about 18 miles from my house. 18 min's late isn't too bad. Good thing i'm not one of those girls that takes hours to get ready. Than again i'm one of those people who are always late, by a few min's max.

I still can't believe I didn't wake up earlier esp since I went to bed at 9:45 (Grandma!!)

Right now, while sitting behind my desk at work, I have my pants unzipped and unbuttoned with my sweater pulled over it. These 70's pants just don't fit me these days with the gut and all. It actually hurts my stomach and cuts off circulation of other parts, ESP when I sit down. Jazmine is right, i'm going to have to start wearing sweat pants all the time. Either that or exercise more -YUCK!



Charlene said...

just start wearing dresses.. big big dresses.. maybe a moo moo!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

HA HA I laughed out loud with the moo moo suggestion.. I should wear more dresses. I have SO many.

jazmine said...

muffin top!