Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Band of Horses-Monsters

"A tree for all these problems
they can find you for the moment
then for all past efforts
there buried deep beneath
your heart and somewhere in your stomach

and hey, transform all others
when awful people they surround you
well hey, they just like monsters
they come to feed on me
giant little animals to feed

though to say we got much hope
if i am lost it's only for a little while

a tree for all these problems
they can find us for the moment
then for all past efforts
there buried deep beneath
our hearts and somewhere in our stomachs

and hey, transform all others
when awful people they surround you
well hey, they just like monsters
they come to feed on us
giant little animals for us

though to say we got much hope
if i am lost it's only for a little while

though to say we got much hope
if i am lost it's only for a little while
if i am lost it's only for a little while
if i am lost it's only for a little while"

It's been nearly one year Sunday. Then the great disappearing act of 2008 took place. No more getting drunk till I'm barfing on myself in my sleep! Thanks Cindy Lou for being there to keep me on my feet during that first rough patch. Sorry this all had to come down when you came here for a nice vacation HA HA! UGH


Nick said...

Stop it woman.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

hey hey Nick! I did stop. that was the last. Last night I worked it all out of my system in that long yoga class ;o) i'm CURED!