Friday, February 13, 2009

A Day at Work.

The boss got us a fruit basket for V-day! I ate one too many chocolate covered bananas/strawberries.. UGH.

then, one of the guy's in the back brought me this cake, the top is flan!

my co-workers. They all work in the bindery-'cept for Cairo. He's the delivery guy. I work with a lot of Cuban's and they always bring in good food. One guy told us how he came over on a makeshift boat and had only sugar and water to survive on.

Cubana! Cha Cha Cha

Damn, i'd love me some food from the Cuban restaurant in LA Versailles.. SO GOOOOD! If you go to LA or live there go here

putting together some booklets for a university.


the bosses pimpin Bentley. The 2 door black one they have is better. I'd still take this one tho.. so nice.

looking down at my desk. Welcome to the jungle.

1 comment:

Charlene said...

I love edible arrangements