Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baobob Tree

The Baobob Tree is leafless for 9 months out of the year. I thought the Mangrove Tree was my favorite tree... Not anymore. I love these!!

Legend Has It....
"The baobab was among the first trees to appear on the land. Next came the slender, graceful palm tree. When the baobab saw the palm tree, it cried out that it wanted to be taller. Then the beautiful flame tree appeared with its red flower and the baobab was envious for flower blossoms. When the baobab saw the magnificent fig tree, it prayed for fruit as well. The gods became angry with the tree and pulled it up by its roots, then replanted it upside down to keep it quiet."
Lesson Learned-sometimes you have to just appreciate what you have.
**Pics all from Google Image Gallery.


Ms.Lou said...

Where are these trees native? some of them look surreal.
The legend is a good lesson for all.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

they are amazing huh? they are native to Africa and India. One more week till you come visit Biatch!

Janet said...

you should read the Little Prince...

Fashion Serial Killer said...

Hey Janet.. My old friend Pat lent me his Little Prince book. It was awesome. Let's hangout and take pics SOON!