Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dictionary of American Underworld Lingo 1950

From here

A hostpital for the criminaly insane or for mentally defective delinquents. "Get bugged (committed) and hit the cackle-factory. You do a good bit (easy term) there except for the workouts (beatings)." - american underworld dictionary - 1950

Jerk of a Rapper-
To effect the withdrawal of a complaint or prosecuting witness from a criminal proceeding. - american underworld dictionary - 1950

Main-Line Bang-
A hypodermic injection of a narcotic solution in the median cephalic vein in the forearm. - american underworld dictionary - 1950

Pack a Rod-
1. To carry a revolver. 2. To be armed with a revolver with intent to shoot a specific enemy, or to defend as a bodyguard, one's employer. "Dashing Dam is packing a rod for the fink that got him settled (convicted) pn his last bit (prison term)." - american underworld dictionary - 1950

Play the Bird with the Long Neck-
To pry into other people's affairs; to look over, as the site of a proposed robbery or an intended victim. - american underworld dictionary - 1950

Oh, Sing it Sucker-
A common reply to the boring complaints of a fellow convict. - american underworld dictionary - 1950

A very small town. - american underworld dictionary - 1950

Cut a New Kisser-
To cut or slash the face with a knife or other edged weapon. "I'm cutting that fink (informer) a new kisser when I duke him in (lead him) to the fight spot." - american underworld dictionary - 1950

More info here

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