Friday, May 8, 2009

Last Night...

Last night we headed over to The Foundry to see some bands and bikes.

Suicide Driver played

While this young lady prayed.

Caught in the act! Lee

Meg! Some guy came up to me and asked me if I was a Hippie. I said no.

Chris Jeff and Tom

Such a cute shop dog. He's half Bull Mastiff and Rottweiler.

This morning on my way to work I saw this lil guy strolling thru our neighborhood. There are so many Coyotes near us and once we even saw 5-6 running down our street in the middle of the night. I'm a bit weary that one will get my small dog and eat it.

and tonight.. we head to The Spirit Room in Jerome to see Dog of the Moon

1 comment:

woodenheart said...

i'm glad to hear you're going out more and it looks like your having a good time too!