Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Leave You With This!

Don't mind the horrible harmonica playing but it's so cute when Ruby howls to the sound. I took this with my Leica Digi camera, it actually takes really good videos as well. I'll be away for a bit. Chicago is calling my name. I'm excited. I recently converted our family 8mm movies to DVD so I can't wait to watch it with my Family. I will post lots of pics when I get back. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Ivanhoe Books - Art And Design said...

Have funtimes!

Grace@PoeticHome said...

Yay! A trip to Chicago in the nick of summer! I look forward to seeing photos and hope you have a fantastic time!!!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

yay! thanks guys. I had a great time, never enough time tho. I always miss so much.