Monday, July 13, 2009


This weekend was boring but productive. Friday night I slept after work to try to cure the brain damage from drinking a whole bottle of wine at the dinner exchange we had with the dudes. When I woke at 10pm I finished watching Benjamin Button. I thought the movie was really sad but good. Saturday I woke up at 7:30 am and took the dogs for a walk, went to Costco for dog treats, took a nap, watched a really good documentary called "Our City Dreams" read about it here.

Sunday was my productive day. I forced myself to make jewelry for a few hours, fixed some random things I had laying around. I cut a piece of wood for a new back piece for some deer horns. Next project is to do something to the background to make it pretty-maybe some decoupage? I fixed the one set of huge antlers and then proceded to drop it and break it AGAIN-argh-now it's finally fixed and hung back up. I made the mistake of leaving it on the floor once and caught the dogs gnawing on it, then stupid me made the SAME mistake with a cowhead somebody gave me. I brought it in to save it from dry rotting in the sun and placed it on the living room floor and came back to find the dogs had eaten half the damn face off, I was SO mad/bummed. Sunday night was fun. I went to my friend Chris' house and rode his mini bike thru the alley's, helped him make room for his new Triumph's in his already crowded garage and then took his dog for a walk.

I don't know where I can sell my jewlery. Etsy seems like there's so much on there that your stuff doesn't get attention so i've only sold a few pieces.

This is what hap's when the cat sneaks in my doogy door. Poor cat!


Sunshine said...

LOVE the necklaces.. esp that red beaded w the pony.
and might i suggest, for the wood backdrop, some cartoony faux bois ala' richard woods:

Fashion Serial Killer said...

aw thanks! they are all really big pieces as well. the medallions are like 3" across and 3.5" tall? That Richard Woods stuff is pretty rad as well, i'm going to have to whip out some paint (if it isn't all dried up)

woodenheart said...

i love richard woods! i like the strands of buttons...what are you going to do with them?

goldlionaz said...

poor cat, horny dogs. the little one licking his lips, so funny!
you jewelry is so beautiful, chunky and unique. next time you are in la, you should make an appoitment with the jewelry buyer at American Rag. I bet it would do good there :)

Fashion Serial Killer said...

thanks ladies! Emily-that would be rad if A.R. would sell my stuff. I just need to make more.

Lani-as for the buttons-I first saw something like this at a plant shop behind Cibo (RIP) and you put them in your plants

Initials BB said...

love all this stuff! super cute! and i know what you mean about etsy, it is totally saturated. you'd have to advertise your stuff all over online to get any traffic, probably.