Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Watch Mexican Free-Tail Bats Take Flight

If you like bats, like I do, and live in AZ - you should go check this out.. I wish I could attend but I will be in Chicago!! I may have to go on my own to watch when I get back.

"Bat workshop
When: 7:15-8:15 p.m. July 17. The bats leave their roost at sunset.
Where: The Maricopa County Flood Control District Tunnel near the intersection of 24th Street and Lincoln Drive, Phoenix. Park in the lot at 2400 E. Arizona Biltmore Circle and follow the signs.
Admission: Free.
Details: 602-942-3000 or (look under "Outdoor Calendar")."


My Life said...

Aw that would be so cool if I lived closer I would totally bring the kids and go watch.

melississippi said...

that is great, i saw bats at carlsbad caverns and it was so fun, i may have to trek up to phoenix for this

Fashion Serial Killer said...

rad! take pics if you go and post it. i am going to try to go later this month. ;o)