Thursday, December 3, 2009

National Lampoons 1973

Lordy,Lordy how I love my National Lampoons Magazine Collection from 1973. That was a good Thriftfind. Click on them for all their glory


Ivanhoe Books - Art And Design said...

Seriously good thrift find. I'm so cold in LA today that my fingers are numbing and finding it hard to type. Weird right? And the sun's shining. I think it might just be arctic in my shop.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

My office is ALWAYS like that..sux, I live in the damn desert and have to wear winter clothes year round.. WELL-NOT ANYMORE bcuz that bitch got fired that would freeze me out. WOO HOOOOOO..

They said it's going to be in the 30's in AZ this weekend tho. I can finally wear my rad winter coats-that's one good way to look at it.

Yes, the book was a good find fo sho!!