Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday Housewarming Party

Dang it. These all posted in reverse order.. anyhow, There's always so much trash in the aftermath.

Max and Shannon on the way out-Love Max and Shannon

Stacy, Dana and me with my $14 Target little boys flannel.

Lounging in the D wing. CHris, Alex, Erin, Jamie and Vargas

Mike and Jameson

My Dad and Mom. MY Dad talked off some peoples ears and even had a Margarita!

Stacy grilled up all our Arrechera and pollo for the taco's SO YUMMMY!

Dana and her parents. Her folks are super nice!

My Dad kicking back talking it up with my friends

Janet and Lee stopped by YAY! I even found out that my Dad used to have a BSA, Triumph, Yamaha and Honda.

The biker boys Billy, Joel, Nick and Chris showed up. I am horrible at taking pics of motorbikes

My toolbox/storage chest has SUPREME ASS

My dogs freaked out on a few peeps but simmered down after a bit. Ruby loved DJ Horsepussy!

Striking a pose with Erin, Wez and Dana my roomate

Jason, Nick, Dana, Erin, Chris and Vargas

We even had cowboys show up. This guy is a musical genius. He can play any stringed instrument and the banjo faster than anybody I have ever seen.

Atilla wasn't used to so many people being around. I lived alone for the last 3 years and didn't have many visitors so it was a bit of a shock to the dogs.

Shannon and Amanda -loved your boots Amanda!

Laddy, Sonia, Rebecca, Megan and Ania

Sonia and Laddy

This is Ruby in action. She thinks she's a lap dog.

Vargas and I matched

Tom and his girlfriend, Ania, her FIANCE Ryan, Josh and Maurizio. We had like 3 different waves of people show up throughout the night.

Maui with a lampshade on this head


I weasled my way into the DiFranco family portrait. These are my favorite Italiano's

Ryan started to take off his shirt

I told Ania i'm putting this pic of her Fiance and me as her bridal shower invite

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