Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Fun.

Went to Ryan and Woody's house for a party to celebrate their recent marriage. Ryan has the NICEST Arcosanti bells

Dana and Rob

Mike, Jameson and Dana

Me, The Bride, Dana and Jamie

this lil one was in a bad mood bcuz one of the boys was picking on him. He wasn't really drinking, we put it in his lap to take the pic

These lil kids were loving the pool table.

This guy kept arm wresting us and making us see how long we can hold him up off of the ground for.

Just hanging around drinking some water, of course..

Chi Chi and my new door with a window that opens(but the door wont open)

Sunday we went for a hike, the Cracker Barrel for breakfast and to a few antique stores. I love antique stores, it's way too dangerous for me to go all the time tho. I did score some pretty good records.. Rolling Stones "Rolling Stones Now!", The Rolling Stones "Between the Buttons, George Jones and the Blues are Black. Now it's nap time, I can't seem to sleep these days.

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