Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Riding Solo to the Top of the World"

I haven't found this on Netflix yet but you can buy it online and watch the preview (below) More info here It's basically about this guy who takes a solo motorcycle trip from Mumbai to one of the remotest and coldest places in the world, the Changthang Plateau in Ladakh, bordering China. It looks pretty interesting and i'd love to see it so maybe you should buy it Nick so I can borrow it. I don't think i'd be brave enough to do something like this, i've only travelled overseas alone once and that was to Dublin for a week.

oh and you can buy it here

i discovered it here


Charlene said...

I can't even go around the block by myself.. ha! Make sure you carry a knife! Happy New Year Whore!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

I usually have a knife in my car..and an knuckle sandwich