Thursday, February 12, 2009

I survived!

Yup! I survived the yoga class. The class was jam packed with mostly women and about 4 men. He spoke for about 1 hour and a half and then we did yoga for an hour and 45 min's. It kicked my ass, hard. I had to rest a few times in between bcuz I felt as if I was going to barf. I hate the smell of this yoga mat I bought also-it smells so rubbery and it's not even a cheap mat!

I can see why Bryan has so many followers, he's an awesome teacher who is funny, knowledgeable and super good at what he does. I'd recommend that anybody who's into yoga take his class at sometime or another.

and SHIT today at work they want me to move all the shit out of the other office so they can re-do the floors and paint UGH there's so much crap in there.

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