Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yes Please!

Ha.. look it's me in 6th grade. 2nd up from the bottom on the far right.


Charlene said...

Again, you probably still weigh the same!! haha

woodenheart said...

those huts/houses are amazing! i think i read something about them a while ago and it's like a communal property or something right?

Ms.Lou said...

I love the circular design with no sharp angles of the natural abodes. The creativity to design a home so far from traditional styles intrigues me. I want to live in one!
As for you in the 6th grade, you are much hotter now.

Anonymous said...

I want one of those houses now!
And look at your cute little 6th grade self!

M.'s Ramblings said...

Ooh, those houses - they look like hobbit homes!