Monday, March 23, 2009

"Drink Up and Be Somebody"

One of my best friends came to town this weekend from Moscow, ID. We share the same name. We ran into another oldie but goodie at Casey's Friday night-Mone! I've known these peeps for 20+ years.

Just one of the dogs. Atilla's face is super funny in this pic if you click on it.

I found these AMAZING vintage green platforms (below) at my favorite thriftstore (above). They are made by Cherokee and have a super tall platform. I was still able to maneuver them tho Saturday night for 3 hours.

Two ways-black and white vs. color. The trees were SO cool. I have no clue what kind they were but they were white and NOT Birch.

We also stopped at a thriftstore on the way and I decided to use the bathroom and some lady walked in on me-I screamed in horror/embarrassment and Cindy said the whole thriftstore heard me.

We headed up to the Winery's in Cornville Friday. It was fun, over priced tho.

mmmmmm Vino!

We stopped in Jerome on the way home. I didn't really take too many pics here. I do love Jerome tho.

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