Monday, March 23, 2009

On a Saturday.

Saw this lil guy hanging from the bottom of this truck, thank God it wasn't one of the set of balls they hang from the back, those things are SO gnarly

We had to have at least one fancy ass dinner while Cindy was here. Maestro's City Hall it was. Filet Mignon, bottle of wine and Asparagus. I told them it was her B-day to get the free cake again. Our server was awesome. The Red Sox were having a dinner party there also.

What Cindy A. does best..... har har.

we headed over to the Tres Dias show after dinner to meet up with some of my favorite peeps in AZ

there were some cute lil rockabilly kids there all decked out in their get ups.

numero uno.

I should have been in this pic in the #3 spot wearing my "I'm #3, I don't try at all" T-shirt.

somehow we ended up with a buncha beer for the 4 of us.We kept trying to get a pic of DJ Horsepussy with some cops but each time i'd ask them they'd say no. We found a way to do it anyhow.

he he.. we got one. I'm so glad they didn't chase me down and confiscate my camera.

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