Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Holy Calamity!

Via Dlisted.com Sometimes when things get tuff for you, or me.. I try to be positive and I think "Gosh, it could be worse, I could have a horn growing out my head!" It actually looks more like the head is defecating! Poor lady..


Ivanhoe Books - Art And Design said...

HOLY CALAMITY!!!!! That's demented!!! Thank GOODNESS I don't have a giant faeces-horn growing out of my head. My 55 million bug bites suddenly seem more bearable.

My Life said...

That is so gross, I wonder what that is!!!! ewww

TJB said...

HOLY S***!!!

Really, the next time I complain about something, or freak out because I get a zit, I'm going to think of this.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

I KNOW GUYS!! We are lucky. Each time I think about something/somebody that makes me sad I'm going to look at this pic and TRY to be thankful, then still cuz the person out under my breath.

urban craft said...

wow, I am at a loss for words from looking at that lady.

Ms.Lou said...

two votes for the defecating head. Doesn't look like a horn to us.