Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Catching up in Watts

If you could see all of my friend Rich's toys you'd die. Well, not really, you'd prob just get super excited if you were into that kinda stuff. I couldn't believe how big that thing in the top right corner was. He just put this all on Ebay.

It's been like 3 years since I've last seen my friend Rich. He took us to see Watts Towers and we walked around in the neighborhood taking photos. Someday I'll have enough good photos to do a show.

I used the 'pinhole' mode on my camera-so fancy!

I love these huge flowers.

Of course we went on the one day that it was closed so we were unable to tour the inside. It's amazing. I can only imagine all the work it took to make.

Allison, Me and Rich. I came home with 2 Edith Piaf records and a whole case of archived photo's that Rich turned into a Book

I loved the hearts.

This colorful house is right across the street.

At first I thought this Pit was dead but it had just dug a hole to keep cool.

"Stop the madness and increase the peace"

Bed Bugs

Rich took us to the Queen Mary as well. It was so cool. Too bad our stomach's were calling out to feed them. I would have liked to stayed longer but the menu on board didn't look very appeasing.

We were swiftly kicked out of this area because we were sneaking around and didn't pay for the tour.

Awesome art deco bar.

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