Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 1 in Elgin

My Little brother Shane is in the Srubs.. more on that later. Yoli and Sid met up with us as well..we hungout in the Suburbs and just hit up a few bars/clubs.

All I can say is.. DON'T ASK! HA.. I had one too many Blue Moons and was having a good time. We met up with my lil brother Shane and he was in Scrubs due to this explosion in Chicago Friday . They made him burn his clothes and did the decontamination process where they spray you with cold water while you are naked for like 15 min's. He works in the train yard right next to where the explosion hap'd and breathed some of the sulphuric acid into his lungs. He's ok tho-PHEW!


My Life said...

Ha Ha I love your moves, and love love love the Bud shirt. :)

Ms.Lou said...

You can bend like a rubber person! such a hot drunk!