Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mexico Cindy City

This is the Paris Pharmacy- it was so nuts inside, it's been around since 1948 and still feels as if you are in 1948.

Protesters in the city.

the city is preparing for Independance Day.

Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral. This Cathedral was under construction the last time I was in Mexico City as well, if you look at it from a certain angle you can see that it's sinking.

These guy's were outside the Cathedral with lil signs that said what kind of trade they do

these are ruins they found near the Cathedral.

Looking to the left and the right downtown.

this pic is for you Super71-I couldn't find any of the t-top wearing dudes but I did find a guy wearing a cowboy hat and sweatsuit. You can see all my pics here


Janet said...

omg cindy...all your photos are amzing! it looks so beautiful and fun there. please come to costa rica with me!!! also, how did you post pics side by side...I've tried and it didn't work.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

Thanks Janet! The way I get the pics to do that is by emailing them to my blog. It's the only way I can figure out how to do it.

allison orphan said...

you know what i have to say about that first pic? holy guacamole!!!!!