Friday, October 9, 2009


This house is perfect... esp the bedroom above-amazing. I love patchwork quilts and rocking chairs-plus it's like a lil fort built into the wall-so cool. I like houses with a lot of character. The minimalist look isn't really for me. I feel more comfortable with a ton of stuff (junk as my Mom calls it) around me, esp unique, old, cute stuff. Speaking of houses...When I told my Mom where I can move next (for $100 a month), when we have to leave the house on the hill, she told me I was just going "downhill with my life" Let's just say it's not in the best area-but the price is right and a friend said he'd help me out by letting me stay there, esp since it's just sitting empty. It's an old farmhouse in SW Phoenix-tiny but with a big yard. He said there's lots of fleas, ticks and Chickens and a Rooster next door. Bring It ON! I think I could prob live almost anywhere-even an RV or an old trailer would be cool. I have HIGH ambitions huh?


Sunshine said...

guh such amazing pics. i wanna live in a cozy old cabin surrounded by junk too.

Initials BB said...

I am right there with you. My aspirations would make my mother cry. Dirty, crappy old unrenovated historic places make me happier than anything else, I think a cute old farmhouse in the hood sounds fun! As long as you're safe (enough), who cares! And did I read right, $100 rent? Hell yeah man.

woodenheart said...

this house IS perfect. and the one you might move into sounds pretty awesome too except for the ticks and fleas but you can fix that. i really want to live on a little farm with a big yard on the outskirts of town. someday.

buzzy sullivan said...

The fleas, ticks and chickens need roommates too. People with minimalisticly (just made that word up) decorated houses are boring. I like digging through piles of stuff, especially in my own hose.


can i please live there?

Fashion Serial Killer said...

You guys are all so awesome HA!

I agree with all of the above.