Monday, November 16, 2009

Slab City Riot

When I took a shower the next day all I could smell was beer coming off of me. This is the only photo I got at night at the Slab City Riot. I don't remember much once the lights went out. I hardly took any photos either, sorry-I was too busy drinking beer. Besides getting a speeding ticket (going 90 in a 75) on the way there, I had a BLAST and met lots of super nice people. Even the girls were nice, which is rare. I now know all the cute boys live in either Cali or TX. 'Spose it's a good thing I'm all alone in AZ-keeps me out of trouble. More pics from WesD here Super cool guy as well-takes awesome pics.

A lady at our work, whom I work closely with, didn't come to work today bcuz she "has" H1N1. I sure hope I don't get it-she came into work Friday when she was sick.-she's the lady I told to Fuck Off the other week as well.


Initials BB said...

hah! no, i had a blast. i was just in a total zombie state by that point. i owe you more money for beer! given that i think i drank about 700.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

ok PHEW haha.. I don't even know how many beers I drank. More than my 120lbs could handle tho that's fo sho. I can't wait till the next party. Thanks for coming with me ;o)

Do you know who I was dancing with?

Initials BB said...

hm...the only dancing i recall was around the fire during one of the repeat waylon sets? daniel maybe?

Fashion Serial Killer said...

dang it i wish i would have gotten his email..i'm sure he has some great pics and maybe even some recollection of what the hell hap'd that night!

Motorradfahrer said...

Haha! Awesome headstand! You had me and my buddies cracking up. See you at the next Biltwell event.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

Thanks! My head STILL has a sore spot.. damn rocks. I'm glad I was able to make somebody besides myself laugh.. def see you all at the next Biltwell event. SO FUN!

BCM said...

I'm not even going to start with you ladies & your after sundown antics.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

Kim DO not mention anything that hap'd on this blog-email it to me.ahahah.. i'm too scared of the terrorizing I did.