Monday, December 28, 2009

I found this pic of Chili Cheese burger casserole -
White castle cheese burgers, hormel chili, velveeta, tater tots! So trashy.

I am really craving a White Castle burger.. too bad they don't have them in AZ. I really need another trip back home to Chicago. We used to get White Castle when we'd go to see my Grandma on the South Side. The Frozen ones just aren't the same. I also can't wait to hit up Kumas Corner I missed out last time I was home because there was like a 3 hour long wait. Lame. My lil bro canceled the car swap. Instead he went out and bought the exact same car as me but the "S" version for $5 less used. Thanks pal.


woodenheart said...

Lame! that sux about the car swap.

Daniel Bergeron said...

FYI- White Castle not has pulled pork.