We're talking Phoenix, AZ here,the desert.. I've never seen anything like this in my life and I grew up in a suburb of Chicago. It was neat/scary. Ok this blows, my car has a ton of tiny dents on parts of it from this damn storm. I didn't notice them earlier so I thought I was in the clear, I sure hope the insurance company covers it-the only prob, dumb me has a $1,000 deductible. I also came home from the grocery store with a bottle of wine bcuz I made $25 selling something and the bottle hit the door on the way in my house and shattered... I told my Dad there is a curse on our family. If anybody knows how to undo a vicious curse please let me know. Thanks.
get a bottle, put some hair and fingernail clippings in it along with rusty nails and some rosemary and wine (or urine if you're really gonna get nuts) and hide it in the house or bury it in the yard. bingo! haha. no i did not make this up.
I am really going to do that and I will use pee I don't care HAHA.. I don't want to waste my wine...
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