Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Because

These lil buggers are one of the few things that makes me happy these days. I love them so much. This is what they do when i'm busy making jewelry.


Ms.Lou said...

Dogs are the best! Henry says Hello to his favorite girls!

Connie said...

your babies are adorable! we only have one baby - called a "poi" dog here on the island...that is any dog who is part chihuahua!
i especially love those black sandals you have in a pic down below. My DH thought they were hideous - but i think they are very LA. i also ADORE lace up boots- but mine are all in storage.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

Thank you Connie! I should have called ChiChi POI! That's pretty good. Sometimes I feel like all my stuff is in storage bcuz I have so much stuff crammed into a lil space and it makes it hard to find anything ;o)

Anonymous said...

i like to pick chich up then put her down then pick her up again and repeat. and when her tail bats the chouch pillows 6 feet from coming to pet her again.