Monday, February 9, 2009


DCSunday was awesome. It rained part of the day and the sun would peak out of the clouds every now and then, thus making the sky/light look amazing. I took the dogs for a hike in the afternoon and in the morning I brought them with me to the dodgy parts of town to take pics with my 35mm.. I think I was able to get some great shots, now let's just hope they turned out. I swear every other house in the neighborhood's I was driving around in were foreclosed. There are so many poor dogs in these areas that are so neglected-tied to a short leash, left outside 24/7, it totally sucks. I think people who own pets should have to be approved and/or licensed. I also think people that sell dogs privately should have strict rules also.

I'll post the 35mm pics when I get them back.

we headed out from our backyard to this....

our house is up there somewhere...

there's this big ditch along the freeway that the dogs like to run/walk in. It's also way easier on their feet.. no cactus!

the clouds in the desert skies are so pretty!


Charlene said...

Your dogs are too cute! Totally right certain people shouldn't own dogs!

M.'s Ramblings said...

(sigh) I miss having a dog - I used to bring my Rottie out near the desert preserve by my old house and play hide and seek with him. lol He loved "finding" me.

And I totally love the desert sky after it rains ........ nothing else compares. Awesome pics!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

aww thanks guys! ;o)